2020 Connecticut State Little League Tournament Rules Supplement
This supplement is to be used in conjunction with the Little League Baseball and Softball Rulebooks published by Little League, Incorporated and the Connecticut State Tournament Rules and Regulations. Where there are conflicts between the Connecticut State Tournament Rules and this document, this document will be the controlling entity.
● All games in the 2020 Connecticut State Little League Tournament are considered Little League Special Games utilizing Little League Tournament rules.
● Teams must use the 2020 Connecticut State Tournament Official Roster and pitching record, which they will present to the Tournament Director prior to the first game in the Tournament.
● The Host site may operate a concession stand provided it is in full compliance with current Connecticut State Health and Safety Guidelines.
● Teams will be restricted to two or three coaches in the dugout area based on players dressed for play per Little League Tournament rules. Additionally, each team can appoint an adult Bench Coordinator, not on the roster but named on the lineup card given to the official scorer, to monitor players seated outside the dugout to ensure social distancing. ○ Bench Coordinators must be background checked by the league. ○ A Bench Coordinator is not allowed to switch places with another adult during the game. ○ The Bench Coordinator is allowed to cheer but is NOT allowed to coach players or work with the coaching staff in the dugout, including keeping score. If it is determined by the umpires or the Tournament Director that the Bench Coordinator is coaching or keeping the book for the dugout, they will be removed. ○ If the Bench Coordinator is removed, another Bench Coordinator from the stands is not permitted and one of the coaches in the dugout must leave the dugout to serve as Bench Coordinator. In this case, the designated coach will no longer be considered to be in the dugout and cannot assist those coaches that remain.
● Each host will provide the teams with specific guidelines on where teams and fans are able to sit during the game. ○ We are following Connecticut State guidance and restricting games to no more than 100 total attendees, including the participants. Therefore, only immediate family are permitted to attend games so each player can have at least one family member present. ○ All spectators are required to wear face coverings at all times, regardless of age, and are only allowed in areas designated by the host facility. Groups must maintain social distance of at least six feet. ○ Refusal to wear a face covering, unable to maintain social distance, or needing repeated reminders is grounds for ejection and immediate removal from the facility. ○ All adults involved in the game (Umpires, Manager, Coaches, and Bench Coordinators) must have a face covering at all times. NO EXCEPTIONS.
● Equipment will be visually inspected by the umpires prior to the game to ensure full compliance with appropriate Little League guidelines. Each player will present their bat, helmet, and fielding facemask (if used). Any catcher will also show all elements of the catcher’s gear (mask with dangling throat guard, chest protector, and shinguards). CT State Tournament Rules Supplement Page 1 Version 1 - August 6, 2020
● Teams will supply and use their own baseballs or softballs while in the field. All baseballs and softballs must meet Little League requirements and in the case of baseballs, can be marked either RS or RS-T. ○ When a home run is hit, the team hitting the home run must replace the ball if the home run ball is going to be given to the hitter. The replacement ball must be unused and in its original packaging.
● Host sites will provide an official scorer and pitch counter. ○ If GameChanger or similar electronic scoring app is used with pitch count functionality, the official scorer does not need a separate pitch counter. ○ Pitch counts will be verified after every half inning and pitching change.
● Two umpires (3 if available) will be used wherever possible. One umpire will be stationed behind the mound and the second and third umpire will be stationed appropriately in the outfield. ○ Umpires will remain socially distant from the participants unless there is a play in progress. ○ If only one umpire is able to attend the game, that umpire will be stationed behind the mound.
● Protests and Chain of Command ○ Protests that are not resolved on the field of play by the Umpires and teams may be escalated for resolution and must be done prior to any subsequent play. Protests will be handled at the field by the Tournament Director. The Tournament Director has the authority to contact other officials as needed, but the ultimate authority rests with the Tournament Director.
● Post game ○ All teams are expected to make reasonable attempts to leave the facility as soon as possible after the completion of a game. The practice of post game discussions between the manager, coaches, and players in the outfield is discouraged.